Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Coming Home!

Between packing up my clothing and attending several good bye parties, I have made it to Dar es Salaam, for my last few days in Africa. A wonderful welcome from my Mom happened about a week ago and we have spent the last 10 days enjoying each other's company. I was off work and was able to plan different activities throughout the day. Mom met many of my new friends and we even planned an Easter Party for the neighbourhood kids. In the end over 35 kids came, listened to the Easter Story in Kiswahili presented by my friend Lisa Newland, enjoyed wonderful snacks, and lively worship music to praise the Lord!

As I have been preparing to come home, buying gifts for family and hugging friends at the airport have been on my mind, but understanding how the Lord will use this period of my life when I am back in Ontario has been in the forefront. It is my prayer that as I make the journey home, that the Lord will continue to reveal to me different aspects of this trip and help me articulate all that I have learned. With the grace that He provides, I will trust in His plan.

Many friends asked when I will return to Tanzania, often my answer has been, I am not sure, only God knows. I have faith in that promise, He knows.

In this Easter season, I was reading the story of Christ's death and Resurrection and the book of Matthew in Chapter 28 ended in this way,

"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age," (vs 20)

I am sure of that, He is always with me, everywhere I go.