Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nursing Overseas

Many months ago, the thought of nursing overseas was just a thought. Something that I dreamed of doing and was excited about, a new adventure that the Lord would take me on. I would experience a new culture in a new way, with the foundation of nursing as a starting point. Today I want to share with you just a little about how nursing overseas has impacted me thus far. I want to share stories with you and encourage all who have a thought right now for something new and challenging. I want to encourage you to surrender to the Lord your plans and passionately pursue Him as He guides you along the journey.
First, nursing overseas provides many challenges with differences not only in diseases but also in the names of common medications. Several months were required for me to figure this out, but eventually I have become accustomed to the common illnesses and treatment options.
The environment that I am nursing in right now is different than from back home. Although I never worked in a hospital as a full time nurse prior to this trip, with several hospital placements in nursing school, I do have a base of comparison.

One day, as Margaret and I were preparing medication in the stock room – without even blinking an eye I said to her, “Would you look at that, a gecko is in with the Gentamicin ampoules!” We broke out laughing at the thought – that we have become so comfortable nursing here that, even a small animal amongst the medication doesn’t phases us. A great memory!
Graduating with a nursing degree has enabled me to work alongside the Matron, Nurse in Charge – a Registered Nurse with further education and much experience. With this opportunity, I have been able to assist in rounds with the doctor and the other nursing staff, walking from patient to patient in the mornings. At the beginning, these moments were very stressful as reading the charts and understanding the health situations were new, but now these are memorable times of the day. We get to interact with staff and patients at the same time – even encourage different treatments or make suggestions based on previous regimens.
Currently, the need at AICT Makongoro Health Centre is to work on updating data management, thus Margaret and I find ourselves helping with information details on the computer. We are working on imputing admission, diagnosis, and discharge information for patients that come through the clinic. This will allow the management staff to have a better idea of overall patient management and will encourage the Health Department to purchase more computers for the clinic. Using my gifts, even if they are not directly related to nursing, is what I have come here to do. I am so thankful that the Lord has placed me where I can be used the most. From typing out reports for the HIV/AIDS counselling clinic to organizing medication on an updated flow sheet, I am learning. I hope to be able to share this knowledge with staff at the clinic and look forward to more opportunities to share in my gifts in the coming months.

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